Mission & Purpose
The Foundation for Renewable Energy and Environment (FREE) is a non-profit, international organization established to promote a better future based on energy, water and materials conservation, … Continue Reading…
Local Strategies to Create Sustainable Energy for All
International change starts locally, and FREE is working with communities around the world on projects such as Solar Cities, which maps the potential for rooftop solar. … Continue Reading…
FREE Addresses Climate Change
FREE is focusing on further development of ‘solar cities’ and ‘sustainable energy financing’ in the context of ‘polycentric’ climate change governance. FREE launched a 3-point strategy after the … Continue Reading…
SEU Highlighted by the IEA
Stressing the need for “fast, radical, and effective policy action”, the International Energy Agency has featured one of FREE’s flagship innovations, the Sustainable Energy Utility model, in its … Continue Reading…
Pennsylvania Sustainable Energy Finance Program
PennSEF spurs public & non-profit participation in self-financing sustainable energy technology. … Continue Reading…
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