Joohee Lee is Assistant Professor in the Department of Climate and Energy at Sejong University and Research Fellow at the Foundation for Renewable Energy & Environment. She researches issues of energy justice, climate justice, just and sustainable transformations, bottom-up and community-based transitions, and citizen empowerment. She earned a PhD in energy and environmental policy at the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy (CEEP) at the University of Delaware. Her doctoral dissertation proposed a conceptual and analytical framework for understanding systemic injustices associated with large-scale and high-risk energy systems. Based on her dissertation research, Joohee co-authored journal articles on systemic energy justice and capability-based energy justice and a book chapter on energy democracy. She holds an ME in urban planning and engineering from Yonsei University and a BS in environmental science and engineering from Ewha Womans University. Before joining CEEP, she studied at the Tokyo Institute of Technology as a recipient of the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship and worked at the Korea Environment Institute.